Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. E The Lumwana West project is located in the Central African Copperbelt, North-Western Province, Zambia. The area is prospective for
Argonaut Resources NL (ASX: ARE) has defined a potentially significant eastern extension to the Nyungu copper-cobalt deposit, Nyungu East, has been defined by an intense copper in soil anomaly from recent soil sampling in Zambia.
The Nyungu East anomaly is in three lobes over 900m and has the potential to significantly expand the currently defined Exploration Target of 580,000t to 1,150,000t of contained copper,Nyungu East is located approximately one kilometre east of the Nyungu Central copper-cobalt deposit.
A reverse circulation (RC) drilling program will commence within one week to test the Nyungu East anomaly. The Nyungu East drilling program supplements a partially complete, 2,800m diamond drilling program at the Nyungu copper-cobalt deposit.
The Nyungu copper-cobalt deposit is part of Argonaut’s 90% held Lumwana West project, located between two world-class copper operations, Barrick Gold’s Lumwana mine and First Quantum Mineral’s Sentinel mine in North- western Zambia.
Nyungu East: Supplementary Drilling Programme
Nyungu Central: Resource Drilling with Exploration Upside
» Nyungu Central contains high grade intercepts such as 31m at 1.57% copper from 173m including 6m at 5.51% copper.
» Infill drilling often intercepts additional high-grade zones which can boost the average grade of the deposit.
Argonaut has recommenced drilling at Nyungu. The deposit urgently needs drilling to target extensions and resource drilling infill. Previous intercepts of 176m at 0.55% copper and 31m at 1.57% copper provide the team with plenty of encouragement.
The 2021 Nyungu deposit drilling program has a dual-purpose: exploration drilling that aims to uncover significant new zones of copper and cobalt mineralisation, and infill drilling for Resource estimation purposes. Additionally, infill drilling will provide sample for ongoing metallurgical testwork.
For further information please visit: https://www.argonautresources.com
For further information please visit: https://www.argonautresources.com/site/Projects/base-metals/zambia
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. E The Lumwana West project is located in the Central African Copperbelt, North-Western Province, Zambia. The area is prospective for
Argonaut Resources NL (ASX: ARE) has defined a potentially significant eastern extension to the Nyungu copper-cobalt deposit, Nyungu East, has been defined by an intense copper in soil anomaly from
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